Les news du web vues par Quelbazar : été 2016

Au fil du web, les lectures et actus conseillées par Quelbazar ces derniers temps, ou plutôt ces derniers mois, quand tout le monde était à la plage  :  

10 interesting facts about Huawei: Huawei may not be the first name you think of when talking about smartphones, but that doesn’t mean it’s not an important company. In fact, Huawei is massive, especially behind the scenes in the telecommunications market. Here are a few facts you may not have known about Huawei. – http://www.androidauthority.com/huawei-interesting-facts-709696/

15 common mistakes people make when trying to lose weight: Losing weight can seem very tough. Sometimes you feel like you’re doing everything right, yet still not getting results. Here are 15 common mistakes people make when trying to lose weight. – http://uk.businessinsider.com/common-mistakes-people-make-when-trying-to-lose-weight-2016-8#3-not-exercising-or-exercising-too-much-3

What abandoned Olympic venues from around the world look like today: Cities around the world are starting to question if hosting the Olympics is worth it. Most cities simply do not have the infrastructure required to withstand the two-week influx of athletes, coaches, fans, and media members. – http://www.businessinsider.com/abandoned-olympic-venues-around-the-world-photos-2015-8

Uber veut s’émanciper de Google Maps: La société américaine spécialisée dans les voitures de tourisme avec chauffeur aurait décidé d’investir 500 millions de dollars pour créer son propre outil de cartographie mondiale. Un signal adressé à Google. Uber démarre la semaine pied au plancher. – http://www.lesechos.fr/industrie-services/tourisme-transport/0211174722254-uber-veut-semanciper-de-google-maps-2018145.php

Voici pourquoi je (re)mange de la viande: Je suis devenue végétarienne il y a cinq ans, par conviction écologique. Aujourd’hui, je remange de la viande… par conviction écologique. J’ai renoncé aux cuisses de poulet et au rôti de veau en 2010, lors d’un séjour au Chiapas mexicain. – https://reporterre.net/Voici-pourquoi-je-re-mange-de-la-viande

Posting photos of your boarding pass online is a terrible idea: Lots of people post photos of their airline boarding passes on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook. But as innocent as it seems, it’s probably not the smartest thing to do. – http://www.techinsider.io/uploading-boarding-pass-photos-bad-2016-3

This video of MTV explaining the internet in 1995 is everything: Way back in the mid-90s, MTV was breaking their head about this weird new technology that was taking the world by storm — the Internet. It’s hard to believe, but there was a time when people were still writing about the internet with a capital I, while using terms like ‘cybervoyagers’. – http://thenextweb.com/shareables/2016/07/28/internet-mtv-1995/

What 2,000 calories of food actually looks like: Nutrition labels are based on a 2,000-calorie diet because that’s about how much the average person should eat in a day. Of course, you may need to eat more or fewer calories depending on your age, sex, and activity level. You can check that on the USDA’s dietary guidelines here. – http://www.techinsider.io/2000-calories-looks-like-what-favorite-foods-2016-7

Korea has a clever way to make sure pregnant women get seats on the subway: A new campaign has begun to remind South Korean commuters to give their seats to pregnant women. Called the Pink Light Campaign, it distributes signal chips to pregnant women to carry around. – http://www.techinsider.io/korea-urges-train-riders-to-give-their-seats-to-pregnant-women-2016-7

‘Pokemon GO’ : Niantic hiring to fix servers: Niantic, the developer of the smash-hit smartphone sensation « Pokémon GO », is hiring for a lot of jobs.  But the very first position on its careers site: « Software Engineer – Server Infrastructure. » – http://www.techinsider.io/pokemon-go-niantic-hiring-to-fix-servers-2016-7

Rognotudju du Jeudi : ARRETEZ AVEC LES vCPUS !: Haaa ! Ce bon vieux CAPS, une manière imagée et très visuelle de se lâcher un peu, d’essayer d’imposer ses vues à ses lecteurs. Je sais, ce n’est pas joli joli, mais là, il fallait que ça sorte. – https://vblog.io/rognotudju-du-jeudi-arretez-avec-les-vcpus/#more-3812

Bibliothèques de la Ville de Lausanne: Chaque semaine, des bibliothécaires vous invitent à découvrir un livre ou un film qui leur a plu. Les sites de quartier ferment leurs portes du lundi 18 juillet au 16 août. Chauderon et la Bibliothèque Jeunesse. – https://bavl.lausanne.ch/iguana/www.main.cls

Pokemon Go maps will show you where to catch the rarest species: Pokemon Go is well on its way to becoming a global cultural phenomenon. The competitive aspects of the game have users aggressively seeking out the best and the brightest Pokemon combatants to join their team. – http://www.androidauthority.com/pokemon-go-maps-703502/

How to take a gym and level it up in Pokemon Go!: One of the central mechanics in Pokemon Go is the ability to take and control Gyms. Once you pick a team, you’ll immediately start competing with the other two teams for the Gyms in your general area. There are two ways to interact with Gyms. The first is to capture it from an opposing team. – http://www.androidauthority.com/pokemon-go-how-to-take-a-gym-704154/

If you’re playing Pokémon Go, you should check out this Pokéball battery pack: I love me some Pokémon, but recently I’ve been noticing my Galaxy S7 edge has been giving me low battery warnings. As fun as Pokémon Go may be, it’s an undeniable truth that the game drains your phone battery like no other. It makes sense given you’re probably using data and GPS. – http://www.androidauthority.com/pokeball-gives-extra-battery-705015/

Mind-Blowing Stats About The Success Of Pokémon Go: Pokémon Go continues to break records left and right, and it’s safe to say, people are obsessed with this groundbreaking augmented reality mobile app. And when we say obsessed, we mean it in the best possible way! –

6 astuces pour bien charger la batterie de votre portable: TECHNO – Les smartphones, c’est génial, mais le problème, c’est invariablement la batterie. Alors pour sauvegarder quelques pourcentages de batterie, chacun a sa petite astuce. Diminuer la luminosité, couper le WiFi ou la géolocalisation, par exemple. – http://www.huffingtonpost.fr/2016/07/20/batterie-portable-smartphone-charger-astuces-android-iphone_n_11080842.html

Never Miss a Thing: 11 Powerful Social Media Monitoring Tools: This is an updated version of a post originally published in March 2015. Social media has provided people the ability to voice their opinion on companies, brands, people—in short, anything and anyone. – https://blog.hootsuite.com/social-media-monitoring-tools/

11 “glitches in the matrix” that conclusively prove that we’re living in a simulated reality: Spotted a glitch in the Matrix today”, writes mint_tea_logo Wow – we thought we’d best for check for more evidence and the results are disturbing – we found these 11 more: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 – this final one is the most disturbing, it’s the same glitch as the first gu – http://www.thepoke.co.uk/2016/07/15/11-glitches-matrix-conclusively-prove-living-simulated-reality/

Toutes les choses insolites que les gens ont fait avec Pokemon Go: On ne parle plus que de ça depuis son lancement le 7 juillet 2016 : Pokémon Go, l’extension mobile du célèbre jeu affilié au japonais Nintendo, fait fureur sur tous les continents et donne lieu à des situations improbables. – http://www.atlantico.fr/decryptage/toutes-choses-insolites-que-gens-ont-fait-avec-pokemon-go-2763671.html

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